Sunday, March 26, 2006

This takes the cake

Tonight we were finishing dinner; Mommy and K were in the family room watching "Circus of the Stars," and Daddy, Papa, D, and I were still at the table. Dgot up and left the room and Dovid followed him..or so I thought. A minute later, I heard D, in the kitchen, exclaiming, "I got a BIG piece!" I assumed Daddy had given D a piece of cake, but then I heard Daddy's voice coming from the family room, so I got up to investigate.
D did, indeed, have a big piece of cake in his hand. It was about four times the size that any reasonable adult- even an indulgent grandmother- would have given him. He had apparently climbed up on the stool, taken the pan of cake off the counter, and cut it ("gouged" would be a better description) by himself, with a sharp knife. The pan of cake was sitting in the middle of the kitchen floor. (Fortunately, the dog hadn't noticed it yet.)

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Can't you see?

During a phone conversation with D:
Papa: "Where's Mommy?"
D (Presumably pointing): "She's right there!"

Ask a stupid question...

Yesterday morning, D called Pa-pa on the phone, as he often likes to do. He said, "What are you doing?" Pa-pa said, "I'm working on the computer. What are you doing?" onny answered, "I'm talking to you!"

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Why didn't you just say so?

Today K and I were talking about driving. I told him that you have to be 16 to drive a car. He asked me, "Is Mommy 16?"
"Well- she's older than 16," I explained, not sure if he really knew what "older" meant.
"Is Daddy 16?" he asked.
"He's also older than 16," I said.
Kcontinued asking about numerous other family members, and I kept giving the same answer, until finally he said, "You have to be a grownup to drive?"
Well, yes. Why didn't I just say that in the first place?

Wednesday, March 08, 2006


Tuesday, March 7,2006

This morning, D took off his pajamas and diaper and went and "hid" in the corner (he faced the wall and covered his eyes.) I went to get the camera so I could take a picture of him. After I took the picture, I told him, "Let's go put a new diaper on and get dressed." He took a few steps, then looked at the floor in surprise and exclaimed, "It's slippery!"
Hmmm. I wonder what happened to the floor during those 30 seconds I was out of the room, getting the camera?