Tuesday, February 20, 2007


D, watching me put on make-up:
"Are you coloring yourself?"

Monday, February 19, 2007

Rules of Grammar

K and D were watching me send a fax. They took each page as it came out of the fax machine.
"Careful, don't pull the paper," I told K.
"I'm not; I'm just make sure-ing that it doesn't fall off the table."

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Personal question

Mommy: "D, is your diaper dirty?"
D: "No! Is YOUR diaper dirty?"

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Let a smile be your gorilla

Sunday night, while my daughter watched the Super Bowl with the NCSY'ers and her husband watched it at our house, I went to stay with K & D. (I'm sure I had the most fun!) One of our activities was playing "Go Fish," with a set of cards that have letters and pictures on them.
Donny got a card with the letter U, and a picture of an umbrella. "Do you have an un-gorilla?" he asked. K cracked up, and we told D it was an umbrella, not an un-gorilla. But as hard as D tried, he couldn't say "umbrella." He really worked at it, but he couldn't quite get the hang of it, so he just must have decided that "un-gorilla" was easier!

Monday, February 05, 2007

When he grows up

The grandchildren and their parents were leaving for a trip to Florida, and they stopped at our house in their car to pick up Papa so he could drive them to the airport, drop them off, and then bring their car back here. I went out to the car to say goodbye, and Papa got in. "We're going to Florida!" D exclaimed.
"But Papa's not going with us," K added.
"Maybe next time when he's a little older he can go with us," their father suggested to the kids.
"Yeah," said K, "maybe when he's 30."

It's impossible!

Do was singing and shaking his head back and forth.
"What are you doing?" I asked him
"I can't sing into my ear," he said seriously.
"Why not?" I asked.
"Because my mouth is here," he explained, pointing, "and my ear is over here."
He looked sad, so I suggested, "Do you want to sing into my ear?"
"So loud?" he asked, surprised.
"No, not so loud," I told him. "Softly."
He pondered this for a moment, and apparently decided that if he couldn't sing into my ear so loud, it wasn't worth it. Then he said mournfully, "One time my ear used to be over here," pointing to a space next to his mouth, "and then I could sing into it!"

Take a whack at this

D(holding up his little finger): Bubbie, look what I found in my ear!
Me: What is that?
D: It's an ear wack.
Me: Ear wax?
D: No, it's just ONE ear wack!