Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Tonight I was talking to K on the phone, and I told him that it was his parents' anniversary. "I know that," he answered patiently. Then I asked him if he knew what that meant--what's an anniversary? He knew that, also: he said, "It means that Daddy has to buy Mommy something."
As his mother says, K's future wife will be very thankful that she taught her kids so well!!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

What a sweet boy...

Today I asked the kids if they remembered going to see the Water Show. They remembered the people water skiing, and the people hanging from giant kites pulled by speedboats. Then I told them that the lake was gone. I explained that there was a lot of rain and the earth around the lake gave way, and all the water drained out, so now there was just mud. I told them that all of the people who worked there--the boat drivers and the water skiers--had to find new jobs now.
D was very concerned. "Where will they get jobs?" he asked.
"I don't know, maybe in a store or a restaurant," I told him.
He thought for a minute. Then he said, "I know--two of them can work at Target, and two of them can work at the ice cream store!"

Monday, June 02, 2008

Out of sight, out of mind

We were at the park watching K's soccer game. There were a couple of ice cream vendors pushing carts around in the park, and D had been clamoring for ice cream, but his mother said no. He tried a few tactics in an attempt to get her to change her mind.
"It doesn't cost any money," he said.
"It doesn't? How do you know that?" we asked him.
He pointed to the cart, which had pictures of ice cream and the name of the company (in Spanish). "See, it doesn't have any numbers on the sides," he pointed out.
His mother didn't give in. "After the game, there's a barbecue," she told him, "with hot dogs and chips and juice boxes."
"I don't want a hot dog," he answered, but this didn't convince her either, and she just said, "OK, but we're still not getting ice cream."
That seemed to be the end of it. But a few minutes later the game was over, and both parents and K started off towards the barbecue at the other side of the park. D decided to wait with us and T, so Mommy said they'd bring back food for us. No sooner were they out of earshot than D, eyeing the ice cream cart, turned to his grandfather and said, "Papa, do you have any money on you?"