Sunday, October 22, 2006

Little Houdini-nothing up his sleeve!

Shosh was on her way home from an NCSY convention in Minneapolis, so Dovid came over with the kids to watch a football game (Packers vs. Dolphins.) After lunch, he made Donny a bottle and put him in the crib upstairs for a nap. For a while we heard Donny singing and talking to himself, as he usually does, but then he went to sleep. When Dovid went upstairs to get him later, he couldn't find the bottle. Norman went up to look for it, but he couldn't find it either. Dovid and the kids had to leave, but Norman knew the bottle had to be there somewhere, so he went to do a more thorough search. Eventually he found it: it was in the crib, UNDER the crib sheet. And the crib sheet was tucked in tightly all the way around the mattress. We still can't figure out how Donny managed to get the bottle under there AND get the sheet tucked back in, especially while he was IN the crib, ON TOP of the mattress. At least, we assume that's what he must have done--but we'll probably never know, since a good magician never reveals how he does his tricks!
P.S. Earlier in the day, Dovid had called us to tell us that last night, an hour or so after he put Donny to bed, he heard Donny scream, and when he went in he found that Donny had somehow managed to wedge his entire hand in between the body and the axle of the yellow plastic bulldozer he sleeps with. (Some kids sleep with stuffed animals--Donny sleeps with trucks.) Dovid had to cut the axle with gardening shears --or, as Donny calls them, "grown-up scissors"--to get Donny's hand out. Who knows what he was trying to do--hide the bulldozer up his sleeve, perhaps? At least he isn't wasting those minutes between getting in bed and falling asleep- he's practicing his magician skills!

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