Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The Wedding Planner

D was drinking orange juice out of a plastic bottle that had a top shaped like a football helmet. This led to the following conversation:

D: Mommy and Daddy got this at their wedding. They BOUGHT it there.
Me: You can buy things at a wedding? I didn't know that. What else can you buy at a wedding?
D: Um- not kosher ham. And hamburgers, and oranges, and tomatoes, and chicken, and cucumbers.
M: What is a wedding, anyway? What's it for?
D: It's for people when they get older.
M: Like a birthday?
D: Yes. If you're a boy you have a Bar Mitzvah and if you're a girl you have a Bat Mitzvah.
M: How old will you be when you have a Bar Mitzvah?
D: 10.
M: How old do you have to be to get married?
D: 15.
M: Did you go to Mommy and Daddy's wedding?
D: I don't remember.
M: What about K and T?
D: Not T, she wasn't born. I don't know if K and me were there.
M: Maybe you were home with a babysitter?
D: If I was home with a babysitter, it was you.

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