Monday, November 30, 2009

Piano lessons

T and I were sitting at the piano.
She asked me to play "The Itsy-Bitsy Spider," so I did. Then she said, "Now I play it." She poked a few keys on the piano, and then looked puzzled.
"That's not Itsy-Bitsy Spider," she said. "Where is it?"

Sunday, April 05, 2009

I feel a little less special now

One of my favorite moments is when I walk into my daughter's house and T comes running up to me, squealing "Bubb-EEE", and throws her arms around my knees.

The other day when I'd been there for a half hour or so, the cleaning lady was leaving. She said, "Bye, Tova!" T ran over to her and threw her arms around the cleaning lady's knees.

Now I'm feeling a little less special.

Thursday, March 05, 2009

Tip-toe Mommy

An observation from D: "Mommy doesn't walk on her heels. Well, sometimes she does. Only on Shabbos she never walks on her heels. She wears a kind of shoes that hold up her heels so she only walks on her toes."

Wednesday, March 04, 2009


Recent D-isms:

While driving D to school one morning, I told him that when I was 5 years old, I used to walk to school.
He said, "Is that because there weren't any cars back then?"

Another day, when we arrived at school, I opened the car door and said, "Hop out, Pumpkin!"
D: "I'm not a pumpkin! You're a pumpkin!"
Me: "You're right, you're not the right color to be a pumpkin. And neither am I."
D: "Yes you are, you're an old pumpkin!"