Saturday, September 30, 2006

Sharing: just a theory

Donny woke up from his nap and wanted something to eat. There were three honey cake muffins in a pan on the counter, so I offered him one. He took all three muffins out of the pan and held two of them tightly to his chest while attempting to eat the third one.
"Donny, put the other ones back in the pan," I told him. "You can have another one if you're still hungry after you eat this one."
"No, these are for Mommy and Daddy," he informed me. Then he looked at Kivi suspiciously and said, "Kivi, do you want one?"
"No, I don't like those," Kivi answered.
"OK," Donny said, sounding relieved,"These are for Mommy and Daddy."
"Put the muffins back in the pan," I suggested, "and I'll cover it so they don't get stale."
"OK, but don't eat them," he warned me. "They're for Mommy and Daddy."
"I won't eat them," I promised, and put the pan on the counter and covered it with foil.
A few minutes later, Donny finished his muffin. "Can I have another muffin?" he asked.
"But you said those were for Mommy and Daddy," I reminded him, showing him the two muffins remaining in the pan. "If you eat another muffin, there will only be one left; what will Mommy and Daddy eat?"
Donny pondered this for a few seconds, then helped himself to one of the muffins and said confidently, "Mommy can have some of Daddy's."

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

A book by any other name...

Donny asked me to read him some books. "Read me ALL the books," he said. He proceeded to bring me (in several trips) about 15 books that were piled on the end table.
"There, that's ALL the books," he said.
He had, indeed, brought me all of the children's books, but there were three books of Shosh's still sitting on the end table.
"What about those books?" I asked him.
"Where?" he said, looking in the direction I was pointing.
"Right there," I said.
"Where?" he said again, clearly not seeing what I was pointing at.
"On the table," I said, pointing again.
Finally he realized what I meant.
"No, those are not books," he explained. "Those are GROWNUP books!"

He knows the rules!

Donny was blowing bubbles with his battery-operated bubble-maker. He stopped for a moment and asked me, "Where is Kivi?"
"Kivi's at school, remember?" I answered.
"Oh yeah," he said.
He paused, and then added seriously, "You're a grownup, so I don't have to share with you."

Sunday, September 17, 2006

In the meantime...

The other day I was talking with Kivi, and I used the phrase "In the meantime." He thought that was funny, and asked me what it meant. I tried to explain it to him, but I wasn't sure that he really got it.
A few minutes later, he said, "Bubbie, I want to tell you a secret. Put your ear down here by my mouth," and he beckoned with his hand and then pulled my head down next to his face.
He whispered in my ear, "Can I say 'In the meantime?'"

Now we know...

I was about to leave Shosh's house, so I picked Donny up to give him a hug and a kiss. Within the span of 5 seconds, he screamed in my ear, spit in my face, and slapped me. I immediately put him down, and he ran away, laughing hysterically.
Shosh: "I don't know what's gotten into him. Lately he's been terrible- I don't know why he started doing this- maybe it's something he picked up from the other kids at school?"
Donny: "The Morah says "No, no, no!"
Well, I guess that answers THAT question!

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Future fashion designer?

I was in the kitchen, and Donny was in the lining room putting Band-Aids all over Winnie-the-Pooh (or, as Donny calls him, WEENIE-the Pooh.) A few moments later, Donny came into the kitchen and took my hand and said, "Bubbie, COME!" I followed him into the living room where he excitedly pointed to the red sweater I was wearing, and then to Pooh's red shirt. "Look!" He exclaimed, "you're wearing the same shirt as Weenie-the-Pooh!"

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Future lawyer?

Kivi was waiting for me to come over so we could make potato burekas. He called me when I was about two blocks away.
"Are you coming over?" he asked.
"I'll be there in 3 minutes," I answered.
"Okay- but are you coming over?" he asked.
Just answer the question, Bubbie- he didn't ask WHEN you were coming over!

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Good question!

Today we were in the car, and the sun was shining in Kivi's face. He asked me, "Why is the sun so... sunny?"