Tuesday, September 19, 2006

A book by any other name...

Donny asked me to read him some books. "Read me ALL the books," he said. He proceeded to bring me (in several trips) about 15 books that were piled on the end table.
"There, that's ALL the books," he said.
He had, indeed, brought me all of the children's books, but there were three books of Shosh's still sitting on the end table.
"What about those books?" I asked him.
"Where?" he said, looking in the direction I was pointing.
"Right there," I said.
"Where?" he said again, clearly not seeing what I was pointing at.
"On the table," I said, pointing again.
Finally he realized what I meant.
"No, those are not books," he explained. "Those are GROWNUP books!"

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