Thursday, February 18, 2010

T stories

T story #1

Mommy has been trying to teach T to pronounce the S at the beginning of the word "snow," instead of what she now says: "I want to put on my no pants and go outside and play in the no." So she models it for her by saying, "Sssssnow."

Today T was holding a banana, but she dropped it. She said, "Bubbie, can you please give me my babana?" I said, " Not 'Babana'--'banana'. Say 'banana.'" She said, "Babana." I again said, "Banana," saying it slowly and clearly. T listened intently and then said, "SSSSbabana!"

T story #2:

Her mother told me that T threw up a few times last night, but by this morning she seemed fine. I asked her if her tummy hurt last night, and she said yes. Then she said, "D made watermelon juice." I thought she meant, "D had watermelon juice," and I thought that was a little unusual, so I said, "Where did he have it--at home or at school?"
T said, "In the bathroom." Wow, that's even more unusual--but, whatever.

Then she asked me, "What did I make?" I had no idea what she was talking about.

Her mother later told me that D had thrown up a couple of days ago, and T witnessed it, and I'm not sure which kid it was (or maybe it was a parent) decided that the contents of D's stomach looked like watermelon juice. So D made watermelon juice when he threw up, and T wanted to know, after she threw up, "What did I make?"

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