Saturday, July 31, 2010


T was playing with play-dough, and as usual asked for a plastic knife and fork. She asked me to make a deer, so I made a generic animal with 4 legs. "No, make a deer," she insisted. So I tried making the animal-shaped creature a little more deer-like, but apparently I was unsuccessful, because T kept insisting, "That's not a deer!" Eventually I realized what the problem was: she wanted me to make not "a deer," but "Adir," who is a boy in her class.
The she asked me to make Adir's baby sister and then their mother. So she now had three vaguely human-shaped play-dough figures, and seemed to be satisfied.
But now the knife and fork come into play: T took the knife and began cutting off Adir's leg.
"What's Adir saying?" she asked me as she sawed through his virtual flesh.
"Um...I don't know, what's he saying?" I answered.
In a high squeaky voice, T exclaimed, "Ow, you're cutting off my leg! No! Ow!" and so on. Then she looked at me and said, "You say it, Bubbie!" I tried to object, but she insisted.
So for the next 10 minutes I had to keep up a steady narration of screams and cries and pleas for mercy as T proceeded to dismember two children and their mother.

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